Saturday, June 29, 2013

Step by Step He is Becoming a Mini NN

So sorry for the long hiatus, but you will see soon why now I have absolutely no free time anymore.  As you all know we recently celebrated Little Pope's first birthday.  It was a great party with lots of family, friends, good food, and lots fun.  Warning - Lots of pics!

So before I post the party pics I wanted to refresh your memory about where we were a year ago.  He was about 2 days old in this picture and still had a CPAP to help with his breathing.  We were only allowed to hold him for 30 minutes at a time because he could not regulate his temperature.

Now for happier memories...Little Pope and his color-coordinated mama on his first birthday.  Yes I now pick out everyone's clothes.  If I thought the dog would not act rabid I would pick out her outfits too!  He weighs 18 lbs 12 oz now and is 29.75 inches long, which is a long way from 3 lbs 13 oz and 15 inches.

There was  A LOT of picture taking at the beginning of the party.

Everyone had to get a pic with the birthday boy!  Gramma commandeered him early on for his pic with her.

Messing with one of his great aunts!  Silly boy!

Then he convinced his great granny to watch him climb the stairs, one of his favorite activities.

More stair climbing with Gramma!

And of course a pic with C!  He loves playing with C and his brother B.

Apparently he is a little Nutrition Nazi in training judging by the look he has on his face when we gave him his birthday cupcake.  Good job NN.

He warmed up to playing with the cupcake and occasionally putting pieces in his mouth, but not what I had hoped since baked goods are a staple in our house.  Luckily he redeemed himself later the following week when he ate part of a cookie that I made.  Remember to be good to your mama baby because no one will love you like me.

Then it was time to open the pile of gifts that Little Pope received.

Time out for a kiss from Mama.

Daddy helped him look at his bubble dog from Paw Paw and CiCi.

He really loved looking at the cards more than the actual gifts.

Such a happy handsome birthday boy! 

His attention span is still very short, though, so he moved on to working on his headstand while the other little ones help open his presents.

And in true Pope fashion our little one waited for an audience to take his first three steps towards Gramma.

Almost there!

And the crowd went wild, literally, and scared him so bad he started crying!  It was great that so many family and friends got to see him take his first steps at such a great party.

Have a great week and 4th of July holiday!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

My Oh My How Time Does Fly

Today we are celebrating Little Pope's 1st Birthday!  I wrote him a letter instead of buying him a card, and in a rare moment of open emotion I am sharing some of it today.

My Dearest Little Pope,
Today we are celebrating your very first birthday!  I am so happy that I have been given the chance to call you my son.  I can’t help remember, though, how just one year ago today your father and I were trying to prepare for your unexpected early arrival.  The situation was urgent and we were very concerned for your health, as well as mine.  You were so small, but such a fighter when you were born.  

At the time 3 weeks in the NICU seemed like eternity, but now it is just a quick glimpse in time.  Some day you will see the pictures of a very fragile-looking you, and I will probably cry when I explain everything, but know that I, along with your father, was there every day and spent as much time as I could holding you and telling you how much I loved you.  We were so blessed, though, to be given such a beautiful son with just a touch of our hard-headness!  It is what has allowed you to ‘catch-up’ during your first year.

Every day that I see your handsome smiling face I am so amazed at how far you have come from that tiny little preemie.  When you were born you were not even on the growth charts and now you are in the 75th percentile for height, the 50th for you head, and well your weight is below the 5th, but that is not a bad thing!  You are the perfect combination of Daddy’s tall, thin body and Mama’s devastating good looks!  You are going to break hearts with those beautiful blue eyes you carry around like your own secret weapons. And your smile and little voice melt my heart on a daily basis. 

Over the past year I learned so much about myself through being your mom.  I never knew I could fall in love with someone instantaneously or how selfless I could be when it came to you.  I love you more than life itself, and you truly are my heart.  I also learned that the small stuff did not matter as long as you were healthy and happy! 

Your amazing journey has only just begun and I am so excited to see what the future holds for you as well as our family.  There will be a few bumps along the road of life, but know that your father and I are here to help you whatever you may need.  There are so many life experiences we can’t wait to share with you.  And though it makes me sad that you are growing up way too fast, I love watching you discover new things and the evolution of your charming personality.

Happy 1st birthday, my sweet boy, the best is yet to come!

With all my love,
Your Mama

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Summer Fun

We are busy getting ready for the Littlest Pope's first birthday right now, but here are a few pics from the summer fun we have had so far.

We have been spending some time on our new patio.

Little Pope LOVES to be outside. 

Fun in the backyard in the pool!

Even the Team Leader could not resist the fun.  In all fairness it was her pool first.

Look who learned to climb on to the fireplace at the riverhouse and then make our hearts skip a few beats as he climb along the ledge?  Gotta love our redneck baby-proofing!

Hanging out on Daddy's boat.

Having a blast sporting his new swimwear watching the boat traffic.

I can't believe only one more week until Little Pope's first birthday.