This is so true on a host of different levels. I have managed to lose myself and lower the importance of the exact day of the week, somewhat. While I have finally reached the point where I don't feel like I have to go back to work, that is not necessarily a good thing some days, because of things like remembering to post pics more than once a month! I have all these great ideas and then someone needs something, and fours hours later I have forgotten where I was going and for what! This is certainly the most challenging job I have ever held!
First things first. Our sweet little Camo turned seven months old this past Sunday. Oh how the time does fly! Those blue eyes seem to keep growing each month!
Look who's sitting up now…well kind of. To avoid nasty spills I am usually not too far away. Unlike his brother he does not 'shake it off' without some serious drama.
I have said it before, but he truly is a happy, social baby, for the most part.
Our sweet little niece turned four recently and we all celebrated at her Frozen birthday party. In true princess form you will see her wardrobe change in a few pics. In all fairness the fancy skirt was slowing her down on the slide so a girl's gotta make choices.
All Little Pope wanted to do was drive around on the tractor. My father-in-law got the wheel set where he was going in a circle and then no one had to chase him!
Happy to be out mixing it up as NN would say!
The ever-so-popular Camo posed with the birthday girl while she flashed her tiara sunglasses. I love that she is holding up her wand too! I know for a fact a the beach weekend she watched Frozen no fewer than two times a day, so I guess she's picked up a few things!
One last pic of the birthday girl and her slide-friendly gown! Notice Little Pope in the background. He was too busy to be bothered with being in the picture.
After and hour and a half driving to Garwood for our niece's party, we turned around headed back to the museum district for NICU reunion for the boys at the Children's Museum. For the record that is total of five hours of driving in one day with two small Little Popes.
It was all worth it to see him having fun and interacting with other children.
Someone was having ALL kinds of fun at the Tot Spot at the museum.
A little grainy, but sweet!
Finally a family picture! For the record this pic was taken before last weekend's disaster and the emergence of Ryan Pickspatrick. I finally feel like I am settling into a routine of chaos, albeit, but still a routine. Watching the boys grow is priceless!