Sunday, November 10, 2013

Maybe Next Year

I didn't have very high hopes for Little Pope trick-or-treating this year, but still we went out with the hoards of kids in our neighborhood.  My main goal was to get him to wear the costume and not rip it off.

This was the best picture of his costume I took all night.  He refused to wear the fireman hat from the start.  His hi-top converse completed his ensemble nicely.

We went to Uncle Bret and Sarah's for a pre-party, and Little Pope spent a lot of time feeding Paw Paw chips.

And then we attempted to trick or treat.  At our neighbor's house he was more interested in their gardening equipment in their garage than the candy.

We continued on a little further, but it was very clear this was not going to be the year he fell in love with Halloween for the candy explosion.

He was much more interested in playing in his car while Gramma followed as the safety police.

On a different note Little Pope is test driving daycare as our schedules allow.  He is starting daycare in January, but we are trying to get him used to his new surroundings to hopefully minimize the potential separation anxiety.  It is a little grainy, but take a look at how he faired.

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