Sunday, September 15, 2013

Five Years of a Crazy

Five years ago today, in the middle of Hurricane Ike, the Team Leader was born.  It seems like yesterday that we were driving to Dallas to go pick up our oldest child.  We had no idea how she would change our hearts for the better.

She was such a cute energetic puppy!

She started working her magic on the biggest nonbeliever first.  I think he quickly fell in love with his half-poodle he swore he would never own.  Way to stand your ground NN. 

 She was so little that she fit under the bar stool!

We quickly learned she was much smarter than us.

She was deprived of attention, as you can see!

She loved the backyard in the new house.  She constantly wants to go outside to play with her friends through the wrought iron fence.

Her love of fetching toys grows stronger each year.  Throw in water and she thinks she has won the lottery!

Last year she became a big sister, or Sissy as Little Pope calls her.

She is never too far from him, and always keeps an eye on him to make sure he stays out of harm.  Sometimes, though, his mischievousness gets him into situations she can't help him out of!

Occasionally she hides from her rowdy brother, but these two are ridiculously cute when he is feeding her cookies and she gently takes them.

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl, and many more!!!

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