Monday, March 12, 2012

St. Nutrition Nazi

The Nutrition Nazi is a good person in almost every way shape and form.  I have yet to meet someone who has anything negative to say about him.  Although I did hear his track coach at Rice give him crap a few years ago telling him that while he (NN) may still be in great shape physically, the coach still had more hair on his head than NN! 

So a few weeks ago Saint NN drove down and picked up his Granny and Grandpa and drove them to Babies R Us to buy a crib and mattress because they REALLY wanted to get their great-grandson something and they absolutely ADORE their only grandson.  The Nutrition Nazi has been Grandpa George's boy since he was 6 and I don't think too much else makes him happier. 

The great-grandparents-to-be are so proud and excited as they pose by the display model!

Here they are looking at the dresser we are eventually going to buy for the nursery, once my 20% off coupon becomes valid.  I am frugal like that! 

Granny helped pick out a mattress for the little one's new containment area.

St NN and the grandparents with their haul for the day!  It looks like they had a blast!

 Now comes the fun part of assembling all the pieces.  Luckily I got to supervise on this project since I really cannot help too much!  Almost makes me think we should have another one, right after we win the lottery.

I was really proud of NN because he did a great job and there were no major incidents or throwing items or yelling, AND he read the instructions!

Please remember I get paid to be an accountant, not a photographer.  In this pic I am trying to show how the room is coming along, and the bedding, which somewhat worked out, but again I am a nerdy CPA who likes spreadsheets.

Some times my mind works and I think to take a close up of the bedding inside the crib, but it seems to be a rarity these days!

The blanket for the bedding, from NN's mom and step-dad,  is too cute, and because some moron put a dog squeaker in one of the lion's paws I have to hide this from the Team Leader.  It may be a rough transition for her!

Then other moments I think I should take a close-up of the bed skirt because wouldn't that be awesome if everyone could see the red fish.  Then I look at the pic and know that some ideas should remain in my mind and never come to fruition!

Have a great week and a Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

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