Tuesday, July 31, 2012

May I Have Your Attention Please

Today we have a very special birthday in the house.  Everyone please help me in wishing the Nutrition Nazi's Granny a very Happy 90th Birthday.  Over the past weekend we had a small celebration per her wishes.  I think the only thing she really wanted to do was to hold Little Pope.

And so she got exactly what she wanted!

Here we have 3 generations of crazy, just kidding...kind of, and Little Pope the 4th generation.  We are hoping to get the baby to call NN's mom (back row) Spirit  Fingers instead of Grandma!

The Team Leader always puts on weight when she stays at Spirit Fingers' house since they are A LOT more liberal with her meals, so of course she takes a quick nap beside the table just in case someone forgets to tell her that it is time to eat!

Do you play pass the baby game at your family gatherings?  I may start treating him like the prize at a cake walk.  When the music stops playing the person holding him has to take him home for the night.  That would probably cover the next month or so of nights, at least.

Here we have 3 women who will never tell this little child 'no', and two parents standing behind the camera shaking their heads at the mayhem that is coming soon.

Finally we get down to the good stuff - cake!  In my opinion dinner is a necessary chore before dessert!

Since 90 candles on a cake is nothing but a fire hazard and delay of dessert we opted for one candle for each decade.

Then we moved onto drinking games and Granny lost and had to wear this...just kidding.  She willingly put it on and wore it while holding the baby for hours, yes that's right, hours.

Have a great week and get ready to help the Nutrition Nazi kiss his 30s good-bye next week!

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